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October 22, 2010

Start a Family Tradition this Year!

Start a Family Tradition this Year!
Is that time of the year when everything about traditions, family, and friend

Every year one of my resolutions is to start a new Family Tradition, something that we all enjoy and can do tougher. But every year is more and more difficult as the kids are getting bigger and with that more "busy" or more "teen"

So this year I'm determined to create a new Family tradition, so I started by looking on line some ideas, for my surprise, I was able to find lots of good ideas and also found out that I'm not the only one with the same dilemma..Go Figure!!

So let me share my finding..hopefully they will help you create some new traditions for your family!
Finding these new ways to bond with your family is particularly important today because we live "in an age where we are growing 'super children' with sports and activities taking precedence over family time

According to family traditions expert Meg Cox of Princeton, New Jersey, author of The Book of New Family Traditions: How to Create Great Rituals for Holidays and Everyday, creating new family traditions is a way to generate memories and experiences that children can share. She suggests that families start with what they identify with most. "If you're a musical family, put on a holiday concert. If you're an outdoorsy family, plan an annual rafting trip," she says.

So get busy and start thinking! So ideas could be Family Game Night and Pasta, Friday Movie Night, Lets get Lost (this one I particularly enjoy) we get in the car get drive through roads we never drive before and if we find something interesting we stop, take pictures, eat and play some simple game)

A good one a Year Tradition

A Birthday Party at Christmas
As much as adults enjoy celebrating holidays, a special day is sometimes less meaningful to young children who don't understand the significance of the event. That's why every Christmas our family, bake a birthday cake for Jesus and sing "Happy Birthday" before blowing out the candles. "When the kids were younger it was an easy way for them to understand what Christmas was about. Now, it's tradition and even as teenagers they still insist on having a birthday cake".

Jackie :)

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