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October 11, 2010

Coconut Flan (Custard)

Hey My Darlings just want to share with you this new recipe I just tried over the Weekend!! Even I was surprise on how good it was....the taste of coconut is delicate and smooth...the Flan bakes beautiful and it is not super sweet...which I I like to have a big piece and when deserts are tooooo sweet is just not possible as it overwhelm your pallet and your conscience! ;o)

Try it I think you will love it 2! And is very very easy

1 Can of Cream of Coconut
1 Can of Condense Milk
1 Can of Milk of Coconut
2 Cans of evaporated Milk
12 Eggs

For the Caramel
1 cup of Brown Sugar
3 tbs of water

  • Heat the oven to 300 degrees
  • Mix all the ingredients in a big bowl (make sure you blend well the eggs!)
  • Create the caramel
  • Poor the Caramel into a Soufflé Dish (or a tall baking dish..)
  • Wait 3 o 4 min and poor in the Mix dish
  • Place in the oven on "bano of Marie" (put the Soufle Dish inside a bigger bowl fill with 1" water)
  • Cook for 1hr or until the flan is set

Jackie :)

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