Here is a quick LO...just to laught!! I was thinking about how much I LOVE the 80's and how much fun I used to have during those years! No kids!, No husband...maybe a boyfiend...but nothing seriously..It was all about! "Girls Just Want to have Fun"...Looking into my stack of pictures I found this one with my crazy friends at the mall..during those 80 years!...We were sooooo 80's!! Well.. here we are!!
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OMG! I love the 80's also. The music, the feel I had back then, not so much the style though. I remember "the wave" was in style and flourescent colors were too. Gosh, I used to go through Aqua Net cans like they were small. :) Good times definately! Great LO!
WOW! That's an awesomely bright layout! It's wicked cool!
This lo is an awesome flashback to some of my favorite times! I remember when Madonna hit the scene and we chicks loved her! I still can't sit still when I hear "Holiday" come on the radio!!!
Thanks for the walk down Memory Lane this morning :)
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