Principle 1- Colors
Color remains an extremely important aspect, particularly how you use it. Patterned Papers have a gazillion colors to choose from. So how do you decide which papers to mix?
Principle 2 - Gallon, Quart and Pint
This has been a design principle in Interior Decorating forever and it works in scrapbooking too. When mixing patterns, mix pattern scales as well. One pattern should be large, one medium and one small. If you decide you want a floral pattern as your attention getter, pick a large pattern. Then pair it with, say a thin, narrow pattern of stripes with similar colors as the large floral. Make the large pattern your "signature" pattern, the one that grabs the atention. Be sure that the other patterns are smaller and more subdued
Principle 3 - VARY PATTERNS
Mixing various types of patterns is a good way to get started. Think florals with stripes and grid paper. Using three florals together, even if they are different scales, will look busy and cluttered. As you can see, for this layout I chose a floral, a dot and a stripe.
Principle 4 - Play!
Remember...there's no right or wrong in scrapbooking. Experiement with mixing patterns and see what mix YOU like. Play with whimsical papers and designs that fit your theme. Play with colors in embellishments and trims. Sometimes you can break all of the rules and LOVE the result. Try a few different things until you get the feel for mixing patterns and you'll be hooked in no time!
Here is My take on the homework!
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