Work with Pages and understanding Art Journaling

September 19, 2017

Hurricane Maria!

Dear Friends,
Please be aware that due the pass of the Hurricane Maria through the Island the Art Journaling class scheduled for the 30th might be re-scheduled...

It will depend on how everything go with the weather and how hard the Island will be hit!

Please stay tune!!

Jackie :)

September 17, 2017

Next Art Journaling Class -Sept 30

Okay Ladies here is the List for our next Art Journaling Class!  Remember to bring your Journal !
This class Sold-OUT only the October class have couple of available seats!  So ....if you are interested..please make sure you sign-up soon! 😙
Here are the Materials you will need to bring for Sept 30!


Jackie :)

September 15, 2017

Monoprinting in Art Journaling

MonoPrinting is not something new...or Gellli Plate art a many of better now...this art is very old and it originates from the good old days of printing (screen printing) 

Monoprinting is a form of printmaking that has lines or images that can only be made once, unlike most printmaking, where there are multiple originals. There are many techniques of monoprinting. Examples of standard printmaking techniques which can be used to make monoprints include lithography, woodcut, and etching...

But we in art journaling have taken this next level adding layes of colors, silhouettes, shapes and tones of imagination.. 
I use my gel plate creations for so many things, including creating quick backgrounds on things like paper, tags, envelopes and fabric.

For my page this week, I used the Gelli® plate to create a background on a piece of newsprint paper and then I glued it to the base of my journal page. I followed up with doodles, stencils, stickers and scribbles and here how it looks! :)

Jackie :)

September 13, 2017

Lets Talk about Zine's...What is a Zine!

What is a Zine??

Wikipedia defines it as "a small circulation self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images usually reproduced via photocopier" - although the term is often used to describe any magazine aimed at a niche audience. Generally, there's some kind of hand-crafted element to its creation.

Normally include 8 small pieces of small can mix and match...add different technics paint, water color, collage, stencils..etc

Zine-making a great way to both create new and alternative works of art and design, and to collect and share existing but unusual work with other artists and enthusiasts. So how do you get started? Here are some simple beginners' steps that will hopefully inspire you to get up and running with your own zines.

This one was created by a friend Artist Rosalyn Lopez

And Here How it look before it is folded! 😉  Beautiful Work! and so much Fun Yo should try it too!

Jackie :)

September 11, 2017

Happy Monday Ladies ! La Vida es Rosa!

Well...School officially started and im going crazy..Im taking a HIPPA class and between this class and the FDA time is very limited...but I managed to do a page for my art journaling challenge group 😜  We always need to make a little time..right :)!

well the challenge was to add shades of pinks, something paris, something from the song La Vida es Rosa...
Well i go with a Collage...and things that for me are equal to Fashion Week, Dogs, Gardens and Eiffel tower ...Here some pictures

 Jackie :)

September 09, 2017

Finger Printing Art...

Hello Friends

Today with a little art ....classes start tomorrow and yesterday i spend all day at my studio working on my "Christmas" piece for the today i just want to create something simple that will not required to much thinking or effort 😆  So to painted created a Zine and painted with Mate acrylic paint with my finger, then looked for my Posca markers and started to make random marks here and there😜 with no specific plan...i only try to follow the rule of 3rds....I saw this technic on one of James videos and the finger printing on how it looks


Jackie :)

September 06, 2017

New Look to My Blog and Some Art to Have Fun!

So Ladies
Crazy days! trying to catch up with everything...Publications to magazines, deadlines, Workshops and creating new Art...

Soon some Mosaics Mixed Media collaboration...and more to come...!   Just signed up to my last 3 classes to finished my Law degree!! Yeehhhh!!!  Graduation is around the corner ..finally!

We'll for now i just did some quick updated to my blog..hope you like it...and you can see some of my art there tooo LOL :)...

And here a page i did (inspired on Laurieanne) for my round robin journal group im in!  yes if i don't have enough stuff on my plate! right!

Well ladies..see ya soon!

Next work workshops!

Plymouth Art Center, Plymouth MA- Sept 16 - Art Journaling Class (basics)
AEIOU Pega Papel y Tijeras (scrapbookstore)- Puerto rico -Sept 30

Jackie :)

look for more!

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